California Energy Alliance the leading advocacy organization for California’s energy stakeholders.

Founded in 2016, the CEA is a non-partisan coalition of business, government, and NGO leaders advocating for energy productivity to achieve economic growth, environmental justice, energy security, affordability, and resilience.

CEA Mission

CEA works to bring beneficial, equitable change to energy standards, policies and programs by developing consensus among diverse and engaged stakeholders.

CEA Vision

CEA envisions a healthy and equitable built environment that is powered by carbon-free, reliable energy sources.

Become a Partner


✔ Board Membership. Vote on CEA’s energy initiatives and be eligible to lead Working Groups.

✔ Engage in the development of California’s energy codes and standards. Put forward code proposals that reflect your company’s priorities. 

✔ Gain the strength in numbers as a leader of an Industry Alliance that influences California regulatory policy and facilitates change. 

✔ Policy Implementation. Become an influential in the mobilization and implementation of policies that benefit your organization and the industry.

✔ Alliance Membership.

✔ Join Members-only Meetings.


✔ Alliance Membership. Join our team of CEA professionals who are helping guide California’s energy future. 

✔ Participate in CEA working groups:

  • Codes & Standards

  • Compliance & Enforcement

  • Education & Outreach

  • Energy Equity

  • Govt. & Legislative Affairs

✔ Partner with CEA staff to better understand California regulatory policies.

✔ Join Members-only Meetings.

Join as a Director

Let’s work together.

Fill out the form below and CEA staff will be in touch to onboard you into the Alliance.

Alliance Members

are committed to improving California's energy future.