Working Groups
To support the organization’s mission, CEA is structured around three primary types of activities, supported by leadership and staff: Technical, Fundraising & Development, and Outreach & Education. CEA leverages stakeholder engagement and strong relationships with government agencies to identify California’s most compelling energy and sustainability initiatives. The Alliance relies upon the deep technical expertise of members and a highly collaborative approach to identify and form Working Groups and Task Teams to execute on these initiatives.
The HEB Working Group supports the CEA vision of a healthy and equitable built environment through its work to establish a new tripartite approach to healthy existing building rehabilitation, retrofitting, and operations and maintenance.
The evolution of California’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES) is central to CEA’s mission. The Alliance works to improve Title 24 which is updated by the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission) on a three-year cycle. CEA’s Building Energy Efficiency Working Group develops and supports a range of measures to improve California’s Energy Standards including electrical, mechanical, and administrative updates.
The Code Compliance Improvement Working Group is dedicated to increasing the adoption and correct application of the California Energy Code, California Appliance Standards, and similar regulations. The Alliance believes that each Title 24 update it supports will significantly increase code compliance through simplification, basic accountability, and the deployment of low-cost, common-sense technology that’s currently available in the market.
Existing Cost-Effectiveness Metrics and methodologies are, in many cases, decades old. Often, they do not reflect California’s current energy environment whether in terms of fires and resiliency, grid stability, automated buildings or Automated Demand Response. The goal of the Cost-Effectiveness Metrics (CEM) Working Group is to provide a comprehensive set of technical and policy elements that empower California state agencies to better define costs, benefits, and methodologies for calculating the cost-effectiveness of energy measures and programs that reflect actual market factors.
A collaborative approach to education is integral to the Alliance. CEA’s Education & Outreach Working Group strives to increase awareness around energy issues related to the built environment and the practical solutions available to resolve them by developing innovative educational programs and materials for California energy stakeholders.
Outcome-Based Approach (OBA) uses actual, measured energy use as the overarching metric for demonstrating code compliance. As part of CEA’s mission to drive meaningful, innovative policy improvements that support California’s strategic energy and environmental goals, the Alliance believes that the development and implementation of an Outcome-Based Approach presents an essential opportunity for positive change.