
I can provide Matching support for CEA and GFO-20-303

California Energy Alliance (CEA) seeks your support for an important Department of Energy (DOE) grant funding opportunity (DE-FOA-0002196 ) we are pursuing as the lead with partners New Buildings Institute and other key industry stakeholders. The objective of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to research and develop next‐generation building technologies that have the potential for significant energy savings and improved demand flexibility, affordability, and occupant comfort. An additional goal is to advance building construction, remodeling, and retrofit practices, and associated workforces. 

Per the terms of the Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA ), we submitted a concept paper in early November 2020 and subsequently received an encouragement to submit a full proposal.

The Energy Performance Gap
One crucial issue facing energy policy and building codes in California is a persistent gap between building energy models and actual building energy performance. To date there has been no large-scale study that examines, verifies or quantifies that perceived gap.

Our proposed project will undertake a large-scale study to investigate, quantify and qualify the gap between modeled and actual building energy performance. It includes collection of a substantial dataset of both modeled and actual performance data for 500-1000 commercial buildings.

Impact of Closing the Performance Gap
Research findings and recommendations will have substantial impact on both the practice of modeling and use of modeling as a part of energy policy. Correlations between building characteristics or modeling scenarios and the modeled/actual performance gap can be used to improve modeling protocols, modeling software, and modeling quality standards. It can also be used to improve the way that modeling is utilized and regulated within energy codes.

How You Can Help
The project is expected to span three years, and work will start in March 2021. The total funding allocated is $1,000,000. CEA is looking to secure at least 10% of that in match funding, or $400,000. More is welcome and will give us more points in the CEC’s scoring process for proposals, and also allow us to test more products – this will positively impact our recommendations. 

Cash donations are preferred, and products, in-kind services, and labor may also be considered if they align with project scope. Match funding commitment must be documented in a letter by the provider and submitted with our proposal, which is due January 20. CEA must receive letters by January 19.

About CEA
CEA is the only energy advocacy organization to have its code change proposals adopted as part of recent California Energy Standards updates. CEA's proposals are self-funded and developed by members in collaboration with interested public participants, industry experts, and the people working every day in California buildings. CEA has a solid track record with funding, including from the Energy Foundation to develop energy conservation measures for 2022 Energy Standards, and from NECA/IBEW to support development of outcome based code.

For more information, please submit your inquiry using the form at left or contact Clifton Stanley Lemon, Business Development Director at 415 254 7056 or

You can also download the Partner Letter Template below, complete and email to

Thanks in advance for your support of CEA and California’s energy future!

Download Grant Proposal

Download Partner Letter Template