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CEC Staff Workshop: Proposed 2022 Energy Code Ventilation for Indoor Air Quality & Reduced Infiltration Proposals



Tuesday November 3, 9:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. (Virtual)*

Agenda: This webinar will include staff presentations on proposed new standards for air infiltration in commercial buildings and ventilation for indoor air quality in residential dwelling units in the 2022 Energy Code. There will be opportunities for public comment. Specific measures and topics of discussion include, but are not limited to: 

  • Reduced infiltration in nonresidential buildings 

  • Improved effectiveness of ventilation in residential dwelling units to improve indoor air quality

Background California’s Building Standards Code is updated on a regular three-year cycle. The CEC oversees Part 6 of that code, the Energy Code. Staff is evaluating proposed amendments for possible inclusion in the 2022 Energy Code.

For context, the 2019 update to the Energy Code includes new requirements for installation of solar photovoltaic systems in newly constructed low-rise residential buildings, updates to air filtration standards applicable to all buildings, and new provisions specific to healthcare facilities. The 2022 Energy Code will improve upon the 2019 Energy Code by revising and updating energy efficiency standards for newly constructed buildings, and additions and alterations to existing buildings.

The goal of this workshop is to solicit feedback from stakeholders and members of the public before the start of the formal rulemaking process. The next steps following these workshops include drafting of Express Terms of the 2022 Energy Code, followed by a formal adoption proceeding and public comment period beginning in early 2021. After concluding the public process, staff anticipates publishing the 2022 Energy Code during the first half of 2022, presenting it to the CEC and the California Building Standards Commission for adoption, and setting an effective date of January 1, 2023. Based on this schedule, the standards will apply to building permit applications submitted on or after January 1, 2023.

In addition to reduced infiltration in nonresidential buildings, the workshop will review draft improvements to ventilation in residential buildings by addressing three topics. For multi-family buildings, draft amendments would require 1) energy recovery ventilators or heat recovery ventilators be used to meet the balanced ventilation system compliance alternative, and 2) sealing of central ventilation duct systems through leakage testing using fan pressurization of ducts procedure. For both multi-family and single family dwelling units, draft amendments would require kitchen range hoods to have the capability to more effectively remove cooking-related pollution, through use of models that have been tested and rated to meet a specified performance for capture efficiency or increased airflow.

Written comments: Written comments must be submitted to the Docket Unit by 5:00 p.m. on November 17, 2020.



Meeting ID: 937 7245 7756 Meeting password: 130134

To Participate by Telephone Only: To participate by telephone, dial (877) 853-5257 or (888) 475-4499 (toll free), or (669) 219-2599 (toll) or find your local number from Zoom at When prompted, enter the workshop meeting ID. To comment, dial *9 to “raise your hand” and *6 to mute/unmute your phone line.