Public Input on The Approach to Develop Flexible Demand Appliance Standards
as Directed by Senate Bill 49
Monday, December 14, 2020 9 a.m.
*Remote/Virtual Instructions Below
Meeting Notice Docket No. 20-FDAS-01
Agenda - There will be presentations by staff covering flexible demand technology and potential candidate appliance standards. Representatives from state government, industry, and environmental groups will participate in panel discussions on potential candidate appliances, communication protocols, and cybersecurity. This is a pre-rulemaking workshop.
A detailed agenda and background information will be posted prior to the workshop at the CEC Flexible Demand Appliances webpage ( commission-proceedings/flexible-demand-appliances) .
Background - Senate Bill 49 (SB 49, Chapter 697, Statutes of 2019) authorizes the CEC to adopt regulations establishing standards and labeling requirements for appliances that promote flexible demand technologies, which can schedule, shift, or curtail electric demand of appliances, in order to reduce the greenhouse gases emitted in electricity generation. This is separate and distinct from the CEC’s traditional authority to prescribe energy efficiency standards and labeling requirements “for minimum levels of operating efficiency” of appliances to reduce their energy consumption.
SB 49 directs the CEC to establish standards and labeling requirements “to facilitate the deployment of flexible demand technologies” for appliances. These standards and labeling requirements encompass technical measures taken by energy customers, third parties, load- serving entities, or a grid balancing authority (with customers’ consent) “that will enable appliance operations to be scheduled, shifted, or curtailed to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases associated with energy generation”. The regulations the CEC adopts must be feasible, cost effective, and adopted in consideration of cost, benefits to consumers, utility rates, and priorities like the alignment of energy demand and supply. Starting on January 1, 2021, the CEC must describe any actions it has taken pursuant to SB 49 in its Integrated Energy Policy Report (IEPR).
*Remote Connection Instructions
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