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CEC Workshop: Developing Sustainable, Affordable Housing in California’s Communities

California Energy Commission
Developing Sustainable, Affordable Housing in California’s Communities

Thursday, January 28, 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. PT*

Join the the California Energy Commission for a live informative and interactive event  to learn how to get involved in creating sustainable and affordable housing in your community by leveraging advanced clean energy technologies.

Participate in a discussion on the challenges and opportunities in developing new clean energy housing projects. The event kicks off with a diverse panel of experts and then join small group conversations about what’s happening in your region. Round out the event with one-on-one networking with other attendees on Hopin.

The goal is to help community leaders, developers, and clean energy technology creators meet and learn from each other, starting conversations that can lead to collaboration opportunities. Since diverse participants bring different skills and knowledge to the table, this is an opportunity to listen, learn, and cross-educate. Discussions will explore cutting-edge energy technologies, construction practices, and meaningful community engagement supporting the advancement of sustainable housing that is affordable, equitable, emissions-free and resilient to climate change impacts and extreme weather events.


  • How technology/project developers and communities can work together to better understand community priorities and determine which technology solutions are a good fit

  • How sustainable housing can leverage clean energy technologies and advanced construction practices to enhance affordability and save residents money

  • How housing projects can lead to shared benefits for communities, developers, and clean energy technology creators

  • How to get involved in local development and support the advancement of clean energy technologies to bring benefits to your community

  • What funding and financial incentives are available for your projects


  • Hear from others passionate about sustainable and affordable housing in your community

  • Network to spark new relationships as potential project partners

  • Get the knowledge and insight to empower you in your work

  • Learn about demonstration opportunities for your designs or cleantech solutions


ADAM BRIONES, Director, Economic Equity, The Greenlining Institute

DOVER JANIS, Founder, CEO, Ivy Energy

LINDA MANDOLINI, President, Eden Housing, Inc.

LEE BRUNO, Moderator, Entrepreneur Futures