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CEC Commissioner Workshop: Draft Building Decarbonization Assessment

California Energy Commission - Commissioner Workshop*:

Draft Building Decarbonization Assessment

Building decarbonization refers to activities and programs that reduce greenhouse gas emissions from buildings. Decarbonizing buildings is a key strategy for meeting California’s long-term climate goals.

*Remote/Virtual Instructions Below

The California Energy Commission (CEC) will host a remote- access workshop to present the draft Building Decarbonization Assessment required by Assembly Bill 3232 (Friedman, Chapter 373, Statutes of 2018) (AB 3232).


Staff presentations include an overview of the draft Building Decarbonization Assessment report and the building decarbonization scenarios developed by staff to assess the feasibility and costs of various building decarbonization strategies. Time will be allotted for public comments. Written comments with supporting documents or data are encouraged (see below for submittal instructions).

A detailed meeting schedule and the draft assessment are posted on the Building Decarbonization Assessment webpage, and the Decarbonization docket, 19-DECARB-01,.

Greenhouse gas emissions from buildings represent a significant portion of statewide emissions. In addition, at least half of single-family homes in California were built before building energy efficiency standards went into effect in the 1970s and there are significant opportunities for energy savings through building energy upgrades. By reducing the amount of energy needed in buildings through energy efficiency upgrades, reducing the carbon content of energy resources and appliances, and shifting energy usage with available technology, buildings can:

  • Help the state reach climate goals

  • Save consumers money through reduced energy bills

  • Support grid resiliency and reliability

  • Improve both indoor and outdoor air quality

  • Reduce health risks from buildings


Assembly Bill 3232 (Friedman, Chapter 373, Statutes of 2018) requires the California Energy Commission (CEC) to prepare a Building Decarbonization Assessment, in consultation with the California Public Utilities Commission, California Air Resources Board, and the California Independent System Operator. This report will assess the potential for California to reduce greenhouse gases from buildings by 40 percent below 1990 levels by 2030. The Assessment will illustrate the state’s pathway to decarbonizing single-family, multifamily, and commercial buildings; identify challenges to and opportunities from decarbonizing; estimate the impact of decarbonization activities on the electricity grid; and illustrate topics and data gaps needing additional analysis in future proceedings.

In consultation with the California Public Utilities Commission the California Independent System Operator. (CPUC), California Air Resources Board (CARB), and On December 4, 2019, the CEC held the “Building Decarbonization Assessment – Project Scope” public workshop. On February 27, 2020, staff presented the Fuel Substitution Scenario Analysis Tool (FSSAT) that has been instrumental to conducting the assessment. On May 22, 2020, staff held the “Building Decarbonization: Opportunities and Challenges of the Commercial and Residential Building Sectors” public workshop. Presentations materials from all workshops and associated stakeholder comments are accessible on the 19-DECARB-01 Docket Log .

Join Workshop with Zoom

Workshop ID: 954 4662 0608

Workshop Password: 480235