CEA hosts its quarterly meeting for CEA members and invited guests. The meeting will be held virtually.
The four-hour event will be divided into a two-hour morning session, followed by a one-hour lunch break, and then resume for a two-hour afternoon session.
The afternoon will include a 45-minute breakout session. Breakout sessions will run concurrently - there will be four session topics to choose from as listed below.
Morning Session (10 am - 12 pm)
General Meeting (10 - 11 am)
Presentation & Discussion: Outcome-Based Code, Josh Dean, San Diego Green Building Council (11 am - 12 pm)
Lunch Break (12 - 1 pm)
Afternoon Session (1 - 3 pm)
Presentation & Discussion, COVID -19 Building Readiness: Chris Ruch, NEMI (1:00 - 1:45 pm)
Working Group/Committee Breakout Sessions (1:45 - 2:30 pm)*
Breakout Session Summaries (2:30 - 2:50 pm)
Wrap-up and Next Steps Discussion (2:50 - 3:00 pm)
* Breakout Sessions to be run simultaneously 1:45 - 2:30 pm:
Breakout Session I: Outcome-Based Code
Breakout Session II: Cost-Effectiveness Metrics
Breakout Session III: Code Compliance Improvement & CNDR
Breakout Session IV: Indoor Environmental Quality