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Introduction to Open ADR: Webinar With QualityLogic, Hosted by Open ADR Alliance

Introduction to OpenADR:

Webinar Hosted by OpenADR Alliance

Tuesday, June 23rd, 8 - 9 AM PT 

QualityLogic’s CTO, Jim Zuber, is sharing his deep experience in the OpenADR protocol during a free one-hour webinar. Jim will provide a 40-minute introduction to OpenADR, followed by a 20-minute Q&A session. Jim is uniquely qualified to teach this class, as he has been the editor for the OpenADR 2.0 Specification, developed the OpenADR Test Specification, and architected the official OpenADR Test Harness.

Topics to be highlighted include:

The role of VENs and VTNsSupported ServicesMessage Exchange PatternsA and B Profile differencesSupported TransportsSecurity RequirementsFeature SupportDeployment Models

For more information: