2022 PRE-RULEMAKING WORKSHOP (Remote/Virtual)*
Solar Photo Voltaic and Electrification & Multifamily All Electric
Tuesday, October 6, 2020 9 a.m. (end-time unannounced)
There will be opportunities for public comment. This is the first of two workshops on this topic. The second workshop will be held in November; a separate notice will be sent.
Remote access is available by computer or phone via Zoom - instructions below
This webinar will include staff presentations on proposed updates to Part 6 of the 2022 Energy Code and Part 11 of the California Green Building Code to encourage greater use of electric heat pump technologies for low-rise residential buildings, high-rise residential buildings and selected nonresidential building categories. The webinar also will include staff presentations on proposed updates to require photovoltaic systems and batteries in high-rise residential and selected nonresidential building categories and proposed updates pertaining to photovoltaic systems and batteries to address identified implementation issues.
Solar Photo Voltaic and Electrification
residential solar provision updates
nonresidential solar staff proposal
electrification topics
CALGreen updates
Multifamily All Electric
Central HPWH
Ducted heat pump
Appliances and plug loads for mid-rise and high-rise MF
Written comments may be submitted at any time prior to the workshop, and by 5:00 p.m. on October 20, 2020, following the workshop.
For full event details, including and agenda and how to submit comments, download the Energy Commission announcement by clicking this link
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Password: 445468
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