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CEC 2022 Staff Workshop: Acceptance Testing Provisions


2022 STAFF WORKSHOP (Remote/Virtual)*

Staff Workshop: Acceptance Testing Provisions

Thursday, September 10, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.

*Remote Connection Instructions Below

California Energy Commission (CEC) staff will conduct a series of workshops to present and discuss proposed changes to the 2022 California Energy Code (Energy Code).

Meeting Details:

Remote Connection Instructions:

Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 963 0488 4578
Password: 665348

Join Via Mobile Device: One-tap mobile
8884754499,,96304884578# US Toll-free
8778535257,,96304884578# US Toll-free

 Join Via Telephone Only: Use the numbers to join the Zoom Meeting by phone.
Dial by your location
(888) 475-4499 US Toll-free
(877) 853-5257 US Toll-free

Meeting ID: 963 0488 4578