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San Diego Green Building Council - 2022 Title 24 Energy Code Updates


Learn about the challenges and opportunities experienced in passing the 2022 California Building Energy Efficiency Standards (also known as Title 24 Part 6 or the Energy Code). We'll touch on the role of codes, standards & policy in decarbonization, grid modernization and resilience efforts. We'll take a look at the major Residential and Nonresidential changes in the 2022 code, summarizing new and revised requirements and how it will impact your projects, local reach codes and advocacy. We should have plenty of time for your questions with these experts from across the state.


Josh Dean is Executive Director of the California Energy Alliance (CEA). He took his post as Executive Director in September, 2020 and brings over a decade of experience in the sustainability, construction, and real estate industries. In this role, Josh is responsible for day-to-day management, leadership and oversight of CEA initiatives. He also has extensive experience working with government agencies, businesses, and NGOs to deliver energy projects, evolution of codes & standards, and education around sustainability strategies. He earned a Master of Science in Energy Policy and Climate from Johns Hopkins University where his thesis work was focused on Developing a Policy Framework for an Outcome-Based Energy Code in California.

Martyn Dodd, Principal of EnergySoft, is a nationally recognized industry expert in residential and commercial energy analysis with over 35 years of experience. He has written software programs used in California for Title 24 energy code compliance including EnergyPro, COMPLY 24, and the California Energy Commission’s Perform software. He is also one of the original authors of the 1992 Non-residential Alternative Calculation Method Manual, which defines the rules for code compliance software and has become the model for national and international code compliance software procedures. Martyn created one of the first 45L tax credit software programs in 2006.

Misti Bruceri has worked in the energy efficiency field for more than 20 years. As principal of Misti Bruceri and Associates, LLC, established in 2007, Ms. Bruceri has provided technical consulting services to private firms, non-profit organizations, and utilities. Her experience includes supervising a team of program contract managers, providing efficiency portfolio planning and development, policy analysis, contract negotiation and management, and all aspects of program design, implementation, and management. Current projects include developing an electronic help system for energy simulation software, developing education programs to improve Title 24 code compliance, developing the 2013 Title 24 Reference Ace, and participating in developing a new certification test for Title 24 energy consultants.

Later Event: January 26
CEC Monthly Business Meeting