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AESP 31st Annual Conference - Charging Forward in 2021

Association of Energy Services Professionals
AESP 31st Annual Conference - 
Charging Forward In 2021

January 25 - 28, 2021
(times vary by day - full event agenda available in link below)

Monday, January 25, 8:15 a.m. – 2:15 p.m. PT

NOTE: Cori Jackson, CEA President & Board Chair will present in SESSION 1D 9:45 a.m. - 10:30 p.m. PT (times listed in agenda are ET)

OPENING PLENARY – 11:15 AM to 12:30 PM (ET)
A CEO Panel: How to Successfully Integrate Demand Flexible Resources into Your Decarbonization Strategy - Moderator: Jennifer Szaro, AESP Panelists: Mary Kipp, Puget Sound Energy; Bryan Hannegan, Holy Cross Energy; Seth Frader‐Thompson, EnergyHub; Paul Lau, SMUD

SESSION 1D (Interactive Session) ‐ 12:45 PM – 1:30 PM (ET) Grid‐Interactive Buildings and the Protocols that Enable Them

Solar, storage, and other DERs take the spotlight when we talk about the evolving grid and decarbonization. However, integrated demand‐side management via smart building platforms are a key, cost effective, driver of decarbonization. Grid Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) can effectively function as a smart network, or VPP, that provides dynamic and reliable capacity to utilities. Participate and hear how Distributing Smart Buildings Platforms are a way to utilize EE initiatives of the past and provide a gateway to Distributed energy resource management system (DERMS) integration of the present and future.

Leveraging Existing EE Programs to Build a Resilient and Dynamic Network of Grid‐Interactive Efficient Buildings (GEBs) Speaker: Andrew Hammen, GridPoint

Mathematical Optimization’s New Role in Grid‐Enabled Buildings Speaker: Cori Jackson, California Lighting Technology Center

Mathematical optimization has been applied to solve buildings‐related problems for several decades, however, in recent years its use has exploded. Optimization techniques are now being used in new ways related to building operation and the smart electricity grid. This presentation will provide a brief overview of some of the new ways that researchers are using mathematical programming and optimization to advance grid‐enabled buildings capable of automatically responding to changing grid conditions, real‐time electricity prices, fuel composition, and more.

Full Event Agenda

Event Page / Registration Information