CEA gives us both an awareness of what’s going on in California’s regulatory process, and an effective voice in it. We simply couldn’t get this through any other channels.
Kelly Seeger
Technical Policy Manager, Building Codes & Standards

The caliber of people involved in CEA is crucial to its success and to how it has helped us in our business. There are no other organizations that offer us direct access to the actual rulemakers, where we have the chance to give them impactful input and learn how they operate and what the intentions are behind creating and evolving code.
John Busch
Energy Code Specialist & Regional Sales Manager

In the past several years I’ve spent far too much time trying to solve code issues with customers, partners, and vendors by doing a lot of groundwork and not getting the kind of results we need. CEA offers us a longer term solution to adapting to changing markets and technology by being much more effectively involved in California’s regulatory process.
Susan Larson
Vice President, Western Region, Specialty Lighting Group

CEA gives us a voice in regulatory affairs that’s more powerful than only our company or even a single trade organization can possibly be. We can leverage CEA’s resources to great advantage as their recommendations carry great weight with California’s regulators.
Michael Jouaneh
Manager of Sustainability & Energy Standards

I joined CEA because it’s something I had always hoped for - a well organized group of individuals who could understand and positively change California’s energy code.
Charles Knuffke
Systems VP & Evangelist

The best thing about CEA for me is the diversity of opinion and expertise it provides – it’s not an echo chamber comprised only of like-minded people. It’s impressive how CEA has achieved impactful, practical results very quickly.
Craig Ochoa

CEA really provides interested parties a seat at the table in the California regulatory process. CEA’s industry experts from many facets of the energy sector make it a top-notch organization. It allows us all to see and share different perspectives with one common goal: to provide clean, safe and responsible recommendations for California’s energy codes, standards, and policies.
Randy Young
Sacramento Business Rep, District 2
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 104

CEA membership includes mechanical and electrical engineering and construction professionals with a breadth of experience overcoming many of the challenges experienced in designing, constructing, and operating energy efficient buildings. The synergies CEA enables bring a new perspective on how buildings work as a system, and how we can help shape California’s energy future for the generations to come. Being actively engaged in CEA is a rewarding experience that allows me to contribute my expertise, continually learn from colleagues and industry leaders, and expand my professional growth.
Jon Zelinsky
Managing Partner
Prasino Energy