Building Energy Efficiency Standards Working Group

CEA’s Building Energy Efficiency Standards (BEES) Working Group collaborates with a broad range of stakeholders, including manufacturers, contractors, commissioning providers, acceptance test technicians, and others to develop measures that will deliver energy savings, reduce costs and move California closer to its energy and environmental goals.

Recently, the Alliance authored two measure proposals for the 2022 update to Title 24. The proposals were submitted to the California Energy Commission (Energy Commission)  for formal review in the Spring of 2020. Feedback from the Energy Commission was processed throughout the Summer and proposals were discussed in public stakeholder meetings hosted by the Energy Commission in September 2020.

  • Demand Responsive Controlled Receptacles - a measure providing options for the use of automated demand responsive control systems for 120-V receptacles in nonresidential buildings including newly constructed commercial buildings, building additions and building alterations.

  • Expanded Exceptional Designs - a proposed design option for nonresidential buildings that uses measured building performance as the primary method for verifying energy code compliance.

The measure proposals were adopted by the Energy Commission in August 2021 and are included in the 2022 Building Energy Efficiency Standards.

Led by Cori Jackson, CEA Co-Chair & UC Davis, California Lighting Technology Center (CLTC)

Working Group Members include:

  • Doug Avery, CEA Co-Chair & California Advanced Lighting Controls Training Program (CALCTP)

  • John Busch, Leviton

  • Alper Erten, PAE Consulting Engineers

  • Tanya Hernandez, Acuity Brands

  • Michael Jouaneh, Lutron Electronics

  • Bernie Kotlier, California Labor Management Cooperation Committee (CAL LMCC)

  • Charles Knuffke, WattStopper/Legrand

  • Scott Metker, Autani

  • Craig Ochoa, Morrow-Meadows Corp.

  • Axel Pearson, Design Lighting Consortium

  • David Young, ETC

  • Jon Zelinsky, Prasino Energy