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CEA Monthly Webinar Series: 2021 #5 - Dr. William Allen, PhD, Senior Technical Consultant, ConSol: SCE All-Electric Home Builder Webinar

CEA hosts its Monthly Webinar Series for CEA Members. The Series features topic-specific, guest presentations, panel discussions, and small group discussions.

2021 #5: SCE All-Electric Home Builder Webinar,  Dr. William Allen, PhD, Senior Technical Consultant at ConSol


Presenter Bio: Dr. Allen is Senior Technical Consultant at ConSol, a California company specializing in energy efficiency consulting, program management, and technology integration. He is responsible for the management, planning and technical oversight of ConSol’s energy efficiency projects. Prior to joining ConSol, he worked as a Senior Development Engineer at the Western Cooling Efficiency Center at UC Davis specializing in the development and testing of innovative high-efficiency air-conditioning systems. Dr Allen has a BA and PhD in Physics, and an MSC in Electronic Materials

Webinar Description: As part of the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2045, the State of California is increasing efforts to switch new construction from mixed fuel to all-electric. This drive is also happening in local jurisdictions, where local reach codes are increasingly favoring all-electric construction. This presentation will cover the potential benefits to builders of electrification under current energy code and up-coming energy codes, and look at some of the misconceptions surrounding building electrification:

Costs – electric water heaters, heat pump HVAC systems, and electric household appliances are viewed as more expensive than mixed fuel or natural gas versions. The cost differences are often less than expected, and once differences in installation and infrastructure costs are factored in, an all-electric building can be less costly to build than the alternative

Compliance – switching from mixed fuel to all-electric will typically increase the compliance margin or a building, which can allow savings to be made elsewhere while still meeting Title 24 efficiency requirements and providing high-quality products 

Solar and storage – all-electric buildings are better positioned to take advantage of the benefits of the solar PV required by the 2019 code, using it to offset more of the customers utility bills. Compliance credits in the new code makes the addition of battery storage an increasingly attractive proposition for the builder, while the increasing price difference between peak and off-peak charges adds to the benefit to buyers

Health and environment – homebuyers are increasingly citing indoor environmental quality as a significant factor when choosing a new home. Electric appliances have significant advantages in this field, which will be discussed in this workshop. Benefits to the outdoor environment from reduced carbon emissions will also be discussed as a selling point


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